Tiempo inánime (Inanimate Time) was my final work of the Master in Contemporary Art that I did at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pontevedra. The work is the result of a process that took several forms, always under the maxim of memento mori, until it finally materialized through a series of 6 digital images that reflect the experience of photographing an autopsy. These photographs are accompanied by a sound piece that evokes the vanity of our longings and desires.

Tiempo inánime tries to bring to the topic of death depicted in the History of Art a vision of the times we are living in. Before carrying out the work I was very aware of the notion of intertext, since I believe that nothing comes from nothing and death is undoubtedly a recurring theme in the arts. I think it is interesting to review the background and the context in which the works are framed in order to know the causes that have led many artists from different cultures to be interested in the subject. I share the opinion of Dr. Iona Heath: "If we turn our eyes away from death we also undermine the pleasure of life. The less we are aware of death, the less we live".